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EXOL Taurus GEO MAG 240 Premium Medium Ash Gas Engine Oil (M475) - 205 Litres

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Product Features

EXOL Taurus GEO MAG 240 Premium Medium Ash Gas Engine Oil (M475) - 205 Litres

Taurus GEO MAG 250 is crafted from ultra pure base oils with the latest in medium ash additive technology, providing excellent control of deposit formation to prevent problems such as volve torching and piston ring and groove deposits making it a perfect choice for engines running on sour gas such as a digester gas, sewage gas or landfill gas - where its acid neutralisation properties are required.

Extended oil life
Excellent base number retention
Outstanding deposit control on pistons and valves
Optimised ash levels
Excellent anti-wear protection 

Recommended for use in applications requiring a medium ash gas engine oil such as engines running on aggresive gases, e.g sewage gas, landfill gas or digester gas. In particular Ttaurus GEO MAG 240 is recommended in the following applications:
GE-Jenbacher Engine Types 2,3,4 & 6 (except 4C & 6F)
MAN 3271-4
MWM >0.5% sulphated ash applications

Typical Test Data:
SAE Grade 40
Specific Gravity @ 15°C 0.890
Kinematic Viscosity @ 100°C (cSt) 13.9
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C (cSt) 125.0
Viscosity Index 109
Flash Point  COC (°C) 230
Pour Point (°C) -18
TBN (mg KOH/g) 6.55
Sulphated Ash (% wt) 0.80