Product Features
Taurus GEO G240 is an ultra-high purity, Group II base oil made with the latest additive technology to provide excellent control of deposits, wear, oxidation, nitration undert the most severe operating conditions. It offers outstanding performance in natural gas, syngas and biogas. Taurus GEO G240 provides low ash performance and is suitable for engines with or without exhaust catakysts, it is an excellent quality gas engine oil with diverse applicaqtion characteristics.The low ash additive system has been developed to ensure rings, liners and valve seats do not suffer damaging wear and recession whilst still providing a long effetive oil life.
After treatment device safe.
Proven engine performance fuelled by natural and biogas derived from AD digestion.
Exceptional oxidation and nitration resistance.
Excellent base number retention.
Oustanding deposit control on pistons and valves
Low Oil Consumption
Enhanced corrosion protection
Product Specifications:
Taurus GEO G240 is ideally suited for use in engines by, amongst others, the following OEMs:
Rolls Royce-Bergen
Turbocharged and naturally aspirated medium to high-speed four-cycle engines requiring a low ash oil. Lean burn and stoichiometric four-cycle engines in gas compression, power and congeneration applications. Natural gas engines equipped with catalytic converters.
Typical Test Data:
Specific Gravity @ 15°C 0.876
Kinematic Viscosity @ 100°C (cSt) 13.2
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C (cSt) 118
Viscosity Index 106
Flash point COC (°C) 268
Pour Ppint (°C) -30
TBN (mg KOH/g) 5.7
Sulphated Ash (% wt) 0.51