Product Features
Micron GHS 68 is a premium quality, ashless, multi-functional oil designed for use in machine tools and general factory equipment. It exhibits outstanding demulsifying properties, making it an excellent choice for use as a slideway oil with water-based metalworking coolants.
Multi-functional applications
Outstanding demulsibility
Excellent anti-wear properties
Stick-slip prevention
High lubricity
Recommended for a wide variety of machine lubrication requirements. In particular, Micron GHS grades are highly effective machine tool slideway lubricants and demonstrate excellent performance in hydraulic, industrial gear, and bearing applications.
Typical Test Data:
Product code: L262
Specific Gravity @ 15.6°C: 0.880
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C (cSt): 68.0
Kinematic Viscosity @ 100°C (cSt): 8.60
Viscosity Index: 97
Flash Point (COC °C): 234