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Exol Excelfluid NP Water-Mix Metalworking Fluid (S007) - 205 Litres

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Product Features

Exol Excelfluid NP Water-Mix Metalworking Fluid (S007) - 205 Litres

Excelfluid NP is a water-mix cutting fluid which forms a milky type emulsion when mixed with water, possesing greater biotability for extended stump life, greatly improved rust protection, consistent pH in a variety of water types and improved miscibility when added to water.

Multi-metal compatible
Produces a high degree of machine tool lubrication 
Suitable for a wide range of machiing applications
Hard and soft water cinoatuvke 0-440ppm
Improved sump life in comparison to more conventional milky soluable oils
Low unit cost
Easy mixing when added to water 
Free from Boron, DCHA, Chloprine and formaldehyde releasing biocides. 

Should be used at concentrations higher than its specified corrosion break point. Maximum machining performance can be achieved at concntrations of up to 12%; however, most operations will be completed with concentrations in the range 5% to 10%.

Typical Test Data:
Appearance Amber Liquid
Emulsion Type Milky White
Foaming Tenency @ 5% emulsion in 50ppm water Nil foam after 5 seconds
Specific Gravity @ 20°C 0.900 typical
pH @ 5% 9.3 Typical 
Refractometer Factor 1.0
IP 287 Corrosion Break Point, % Volume 4.0
Reichert Lubricity Characteristics at 10% dilution:
Noise Reduction (meters) 82
Load Bearing Capacity (kg/mm2) 1.050