Product Features
Classic 20W Engine Ol is suitable for normally aspirated diesel and patrol cars, light commercials, plant, compressor, industrial and certain hydraulic and transmission applications. Classic 20W is manufactured from high quality base oils and carefully selected additives, blended to a viscosity of 20W for use in a wide range of applications whilst also being miscible with all synthetic and mineral based engine oils.
Cost Effective: Affordable lubrication for maintaining various vehicles, extended engine health and life.
Suitable for mixed fleet viscosities: 20W is not the only Classics engine oil available from EXOL, meaning that there's something for all different viscosities in a fleet.
Product Specifications:
Military Mil-L-2104B, Mil-L-46152B
Typical Test Data:
Specific Gravity @ 15.6°C 0.886
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C (cSt) 42.8
Kinematic Viscosity @ 100°C (cSt) 6.44
Viscosity Index 99
Flash Point (COC, °C) 216
Total Base Number (mg KOH/g) 3.41