Product Features
Effective at higher dilutions
Easily and gently removes road dirt and grime
Does not contain ingredients which accelerate metal corrosion
Safe on paintwork, metal surfaces, glass and rubber
Ideal for hot or cold pressure wash machines
Effective in hard and soft waters
Contains rinse off additive
Car/Lorry cleaning:
Use at up to1 to 100 parts water via machinedilution system.
Work from bottom to top of vehicle under low pressure.
Allow a few minutes contact time and then remove with high pressure jet again working from bottom to top.
Brush washing:
Pre-dilute 1:25 in water and brush liberally all over Vehicle.
Allow a few minutes contact time, then rinse well. It is advisable to pre-wet the vehicle prior to using this method to remove loose road dirt and avoid scratching.
Car Automatic Brush Wash Systems:
Pre-dilute with up to 3 parts of water before fitting on system.