Product Features
Key Benefits:
Reduced Maintenance Costs: Extend your drain intervals and minimize maintenance needs thanks to a formulation designed to meet manufacturer recommendations.
Superior Protection: Exceptional extreme-pressure properties provide outstanding protection against wear and corrosion, ensuring the longevity of your gearbox.
Enhanced Driving Experience: Excellent low-temperature fluidity, derived from a high viscosity index, facilitates smooth cold starts, reduces drag losses, and contributes to improved fuel economy.
Stable Performance: Maintain consistent performance even under demanding conditions due to the high viscosity index.
Filter Compatibility: Anti-foam properties ensure excellent compatibility with oil filters.
Typical Test Data:
Density at 15°C: 887 kg/m³ (DIN 51757)
Kinematic Viscosity at 40°C: 49 mm²/s (ASTM D445)
Kinematic Viscosity at 100°C: 8 mm²/s (ASTM D445)
Viscosity Index: 137 (ASTM D2270)
Brookfield Viscosity at -40°C: 104000 cP
Pour Point: -45°C (ASTM D97)
Flash Point: 208°C (ASTM D92).