Product Features
Excelgrind XL is a fully synthetic water-mix grinding fluid that forms a true solution when diluted with water, as well as giving a superior cooling and flushing characteristics to keep the grinding wheels open to carry debris away from the machining area. In addition Excelgrind CL provides excellent corrosion protection on both workpiece and machines whilst minimising the build-up of sticky residues.
Superior cooling
Corrosion protection
Minimises build up
Should not be used at concentrations less than its specified break point. Maximum machine performance can be achieved at concentrations up to 8%. However, the majoirty of operations will be completed with concentrations in the range of 3-6%.
Typical Test Data:
Appearance of Concentrate Green Liquid
Specific Gravity @ 20°C 1.08
pH @ 5% (Distilled Water) 9.7
Anti-corrosion by IP 287 2.0% B.P.
Refractometer Correction Factor 2.5