Product Features
Cyclone 4000 is a premium quality, low carbon compressor oil designed specifically to offer exceptional properties when compared to other mineral oil-based compressor oils due to its carefully selected low volatility mineral oils, inhibitors to control oxidation and anti-wear properties to protect all mechanical parts in a compressor. Cyclone 4000 is designed for 4000 hours of use in reciprocating and rotary screw compressors depending on viscosity requirements, assuming excessive temperatures are not encountered.
Product Specifications:
DIN 51506 VD-L
ISO 6743-3 DAG- DAH
Typical Test Data:
Appearance Clear Amber Liquid
Specific Gravity @ 15.6°C 0.876
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C (cSt) 48.1
Kinematic Viscosity @ 100°C (cSt) 7.00
Viscosity Index 102
Flash Point (COC) (°C) 219
Pour Point (°C) -20